European projects

Book in the Park (2022-2024)

Book in the Park is a collaboration project involving two publishers from Croatia (Ibis grafika) and Slovenia (Založba Malinc). Through the translation, publication, distribution and promotion of eighteen books, the goal of the project is to support the creation and circulation of quality literary works, especially the works translated form smaller languages, and make them available to a large audience in three European countries.

GG4A (2022-2025)

The project GG4A: Innovative Intercultural Reading Promotion promotes and contextualizes six high quality European literary works for young readers of minority and/or less known literatures, most of them written in lesser used languages. Dissemination activities in the project are based on research on reading literacy, which in digital times requires new tools to reach new audiences. To foster digital reading literacy they include the use of an interactive platform in which reading competence is linked to digital competence through gamification in previously prepared ludic activities that include competition, teamwork and creativity.

BIDILAND (2022-2025)

The project BIDILAND – Landscapes of Bibliodiversity promotes and contextualizes ten high quality European literary works for young and adult readers of minority and/or less known literatures, most of them written in lesser-used languages. Leading authors from the Basque Country, Slovakia, Holland and Romania will be translated into Slovenian and Slovenian authors into Spanish and Basque by renowned translators.



LIT-UP EU project aims at implementing, via training, webinars and events around Europe, competitive strategies to increase the skills of publishers and authors working with less used languages. This 3 year- project will provide strategies and tools to help publishers and authors participating in the project to compete with real opportunities of survival against big languages and players working in their own markets. A total of 8 partner institutions from across Europe, including Založba Malinc will together provide new ways of liaison by establishing a wide and strong network of publishers and authors in Europe.


The project Literature in Praxis: Professional Challenges of Reading, Translating and Editing in Digital Age (LITPRAX) originates in a long-lasting and dynamic pedagogical and research collaboration between the involved institutions and in their mutual interest to extend the previous excellent teamwork experience to other activities, related to practical aspects of literature.

Paths to the EU Bibliodiversity

As part of the project, we will publish, promote and contextualize seven quality literary works from minority and/or lesser-known cultures and languages. Selected works received awards both at home and abroad.

Cardinal Points of European Literature

During the project we’ve performed the transnational circulation of high quality literary works predominantly for young readers by providing translations from less used language (Slovenian) into Spanish in order to improve their long term access in the European Union and beyond (Latin America) and reach new audiences. Besides, we’ve prepared two tour visits to Spain (one with the authors and one with the focus on the translation, perform a translation workshop in San Sebastian, Spain and present its results at Durango’s Book Fair).

European Bibliodiversity for Young Readers

Recently, various theories (Postcolonial, Feminist, Polysystem) radically changed the image of the World and European literature, pondering marginal, minority, peripheral and other overlooked discourses, which are crucial for the holistic image of the European culture. The activities in the project EBYR aim to establish the comparative frame of overlooked discourses in children’s literature, to emphasize similarities and differences in treating themes and motives, literary characters, forms and genres, but also reflections on their translation.

These projects have been funded with support from the European Commission.

(Inter)national Projects

Bivališča Branislave Sušnik / Dwellings of Branislava Sušnik

Within the framework of the project Dwellings of Branislava Sušnik we focus on the real and metaphorical dwellings of this linguist, anthropologist and researcher: her native house, the languages ​​she spoke and researched, the books and articles she wrote and also the images, commemorative plaques, monuments, texts and memories that talk about it.

The project is in Slovenian and Spanish available at:


PRINO (storytelling strategies between innovation and teaching practice) is an extension of a reading motivation project, which this time focuses on storytelling. The goal of the project is to teach the participants how to use the innovative and interactive approaches to persistently commit children through storytelling to reading, and above all how to produce quality and creative materials that will improve their linguistic and reading competence.


Project INOBRA: Reading promotion between innovation and pedagogical practice connects different spheres which are, in one way or another, connected with reading: education (kindergartens, primary school, faculty, library), research (faculty) and economy (a publishing house). The project offers a possibility to gain experience in pedagogy as well as in economy to young people entering the job market and the mentors.

The practical training of mentors of reading on a labour market

The project which was carried out in association with the Spanish partner Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco connected teachers, professors from different institutions of formal and non-formal education (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, libraries, language schools), unemployed graduates and self-employed. We managed to attract different participants who already participated in the reading projects of our publishing house.