Mama, ki je deževala
Author: José Luís Peixoto
Title: Mama, ki je deževala
Original title: A mãe que chovia
Illustration: Daniel Silvestre de Silva
Translation: Urška Rupar Vrbinc
Technical details: 12×22; 60 pages
ISBN: 978-961-7122-15-2
Price: 25,00 €
The book is designed in accordance with the criteria for designing materials for readers with dyslexia.
The main hero of the first youth text of the well-established Portuguese writer José Luís Peixoto available in Slovenian is a child of rain. But he has to learn how to share his special mother with others.
This extremely sensitive, poetic and at the same time simple picture book celebrates and highlights one of the most powerful forces in nature: unconditional maternal love.
José Luís Peixoto, born in 1974, is prolific in all fields of his creation. He writes both prose and poetry, as well as dramatic texts. He has already received several awards for his work, including the José Saramago Literary Award. Peixoto is known as a new voice of Portuguese literature, and the literary prize awarded to young creators was named after him.
Urška Rupar Vrbinc holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature. She translates from English and Portuguese. Her translation work has been published in in the magazines Mentor, Idiot and on the ARS program while her poetry was published in the Collection 100, a collection of haikus published at the 100th anniversary of the First World War.
Slikanica, ki naj bi bila namenjena predvsem otrokom (5-10 let), lahko nudi izjemen estetski užitek slehernemu bralcu: osupnejo besedilo, ilustracija in oblikovanje! Vsekakor je to slikanica, ki jo bralci doživljamo glede na starost, življenjske in bralne izkušnje, občutljivost in naravnanost …«. – mag. Tilka Jamnik.
The review is taken from the recommendation of the Bralna značka Association of Slovenia: Priporočilnica Društva Bralna značka Slovenije
Didactic activities were prepared as a part of the Leo, leo project. They’re available in Slovenian here.